Keep Hair with Minoxidil: Long-Term Use Explained -

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June 15, 2023

Minoxidil, or Rogaine or Regaine, is a medication used to treat hair loss. It is a topical solution applied directly to the scalp to stimulate hair growth. While it is an effective treatment for hair loss, many people wonder if they need to use it forever. 

What Is Minoxidil?

Minoxidil was originally developed as a medication to treat high blood pressure. However, researchers noticed that it also had the side effect of stimulating hair growth. In the 1980s, it was approved by the FDA as a hair loss treatment.

Minoxidil dilates the blood vessels in the scalp, increasing blood flow to the hair follicles. This, in turn, stimulates hair growth and prolongs the growth phase of the hair cycle. It is effective for both men and women and is available in 2% and 5% concentrations.

Benefits of Long-Term Use

One of the main benefits of using minoxidil long-term is that it can help maintain the results of hair restoration treatments, such as hair transplant surgery. After a hair transplant, the transplanted hairs are permanent. However, the existing hairs are still subject to the same genetic factors that caused the hair loss in the first place. By using minoxidil, patients can help maintain their existing hair and prevent further hair loss.

Another benefit of long-term use is that it can help prevent hair loss from getting worse. While minoxidil does not cure hair loss, it can slow down the hair loss rate and prevent balding from progressing.

Drawbacks of Long-Term Use

One of the main drawbacks of using minoxidil long-term is that it can be expensive. Minoxidil is not a one-time treatment; patients must use it regularly to see results. If patients stop using minoxidil, their hair loss may return, so they need to continue using it indefinitely. This can be costly, especially if patients use the 5% concentration, which is more expensive than the 2% concentration.

Another drawback is that it can be time-consuming to use. Minoxidil must be applied to the scalp twice daily, which can be a hassle for some people. Patients who are inconsistent with their use may not see the desired results.

Finally, some people may experience side effects from using minoxidil, such as scalp irritation or itching. While these side effects are usually mild and go away independently, they can be bothersome for some people.

Alternatives to Long-Term Use

While minoxidil is a popular and effective treatment for hair loss, other options are available for people who do not want to use it long-term. One alternative is hair transplant surgery, a permanent solution for hair loss. Another option is low-level laser therapy (LLLT), which uses red light therapy to stimulate hair growth. LLLT is a non-invasive treatment that does not require daily use.


Minoxidil is a popular and effective treatment for hair loss. While it is not a cure for hair loss, it can help slow down the rate of hair loss and stimulate hair growth. However, minoxidil does need to be used long-term to see results, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Patients who do not want to use minoxidil long-term can explore other options, such as hair transplant surgery or LLLT. Ultimately, the decision to use minoxidil long-term should be made in consultation with a dermatologist or hair restoration specialist.

If you're looking for an effective solution to stimulate hair growth and prevent further hair loss, consider using Kirkland 5% Solution, or Kirkland 5% Foam products. These minoxidil-based treatments are clinically proven to work. Contact us today!